Volume 3, Issue 1 (Spring 2014)                   YJDR 2014, 3(1): 153-166 | Back to browse issues page

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Mokhtari F, Danesh Kazemi A, Anvar Abnavi S. Effectiveness of Root Canal Irrigator on Microtensile Bond Strength of One Type of Self-Etch Adhesive System and Composite. YJDR 2014; 3 (1) :153-166
URL: http://yjdr.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-61-en.html
ShahidSadoughiUniversity of Medical Sciences
Abstract:   (3578 Views)

Introduction: The irrigators utilized during root canal preparation can change the surface structure of dentin, which this effect has been reported differently in different studies. Therefore, the irrigators can interfere with bond strength or resin composite attachment to dentin and as a result, some problems may arise. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of root canal irrigator on the microtensile bond strength of self-etch adhesive system and composite. Methods: In this laboratory trial, sound extracted human third Molars were utilized. After providing access cavity, the teeth were divided randomly to 6 groups based on type of root canal irrigators (Normal saline,Naocl5.25%,CHX2%) and time interval(5,30 min). The teeth were restored with clearfil SE bond adhesive resin system and Z250 composite in 1.5 mm thickness layers. Three Bucco-Lingualy sections in 1mm thickness were made for each tooth. The specimens were submitted to the micro tensile test in Micro Testing Machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min in order for the fracture to be caused. The study data were analyzed utilizing SPSS18 software via Kruskal-wallis, Man-witney, ANOVA tests. Results: The results of the present study proposed that the type of root canal irrigator in different time interval did not show any significant effect on microtensile bond strength of adhesive system(Ptime=0.729,Pmaterial=0.153). Moreover, the obtained results demonstrated maximum and minimum microtensile bond strength for normal saline(44.13 N) and Naocl5.25% (31.29 N) respectively. Conclusions: The study findings indicated that the type of root canal irrigator as well as different time intervals did not show any significant effect on microtensile bond strength of adhesive system.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2015/04/29 | Accepted: 2015/04/29 | Published: 2015/04/29

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