- Evaluating Students’ Satisfaction in Regard with Clinical Training at Shahid Sadoughi Dentistry School of Yazd in 2014
S H Tabatabaei, M Tabrizizade, S Qazanfari *, R Hakimian - Evaluating Dentists’ Knowledge About Denture Cleansers in Yazd City in 2015
MH Lotfi-kamran, H Ilani * - Comparison of DMFT Index within Blind and Deaf Students in Yazd in 2014
A Tavakoli, AR Daneshkazemi, M Shakeri * - Relationship between Quality of Life and Oral Health Status within 14-18 Year-Old Male Students in Yazd
AR Navab Azam, M Haji Ahmadi, H Falah Zade, A Haeriyan, E Tavakoli, H Moshkel Gosha * - Survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Nurses in Dentistry School and Dental Clinics of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences towards Infection Control and Environmental Health Principles
H Rezaeipandari, MT Ghaneian, M Amrollahi, KH Jafari * - Evaluating the Effect of Different Methods of Preparing Calcium Hydroxide on Microbial Leakage in the Teeth Root Canals
ss Sabbaghi, MR Yaghoubi, M Tabrizizade, H Zandi, F Zandi - Evaluation of Patients' Satisfaction From Dental Care Services Provided by Dental School of Yazd University of Medical Sciences in 2013
AR Daneshkazemi, AR Davari, M Ghaffari Targhi, N Mohaghegh *, S Safdarkhani - Evaluating the Relation of Complete Denture Quality, Oral and Psychological Condition with Patient's Satis Faction
M Hatami, H Aghili, A Rezayat *
Accepted Articles
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2015، Volume 4، Number 2
- Print ISSN: 2008-112X
- Online ISSN:
- Director-in-Charge: Dr. ahmad Haerian
- Editor-in-Chief: Dr. fatemeh Ezoddini
- Publisher: Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences
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